国外摄影 可使用下载_何时以及如何租用摄影器材
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国外摄影 可使用下载

Photography and videography gear is expensive. Professional equipment starts at a few hundred dollars and goes up to hundreds of thousands. You might dream of shooting with a RED EPIC camera, but you probably don’t want to pony up the $19,000+ to own one. The thing is, there’s another option: rental.

摄影和摄像设备很昂贵。 专业设备的起价为几百美元,最高可达数十万美元。 您可能梦想着用RED EPIC相机拍摄,但您可能不想花$ 19,000 +来拥有一台。 问题是,还有另一种选择:出租。

It might surprise you, but the odds are that a lot of the equipment used in your favorite movies and TV shows isn’t owned by the people or company shooting it. Instead, it’s rented from a commercial agency. Why buy a crane just for a single scene when you can rent one for a fraction of the cost? Hollywood is built on rented gear.

这可能会让您感到惊讶,但是很可能您最喜欢的电影和电视节目中使用的许多设备都不属于拍摄它们的人或公司所有。 相反,它是从商业机构租来的。 当您只需花一小部分费用就可以租用一台起重机时,为什么还要购买一台起重机呢? 好莱坞是建立在租借设备上的。

And it’s not just Hollywood productions that can rent stuff. You can do it too. If you really want to shoot a RED EPIC, . Sure, that’s a hell of a lot of change, but it’s way less than the $50,000+ it would cost you to buy it all yourself. Most gear also goes out for nowhere near that price. You can get a $2,000 lens like the Canon 70-200 f/2.8 L IS II for .

不仅好莱坞的作品可以租东西。 您也可以做到。 如果您真的想拍摄红色史诗, 。 当然,这真是个很大的改变,但这远低于$ 50,000 +自己购买的价格。 大多数装备也远没有达到这个价格。 像佳能70-200 f / 2.8 L IS II这样的价格,您可以的价格买到$ 2,000的佳能镜头。

何时租用照片和视频设备 (When to Rent Photo and Video Gear)

Rental is a huge part of the professional industry, but you don’t need to be planning a major shoot to rent some gear. There are lots of other reasons.

租赁是专业行业的重要组成部分,但您无需计划进行大型拍摄来租赁一些装备。 还有很多其他原因。

  • To try something out before buying: Most local camera shops have some popular gear available to rent. If you’re considering buying something and it’s in their rental stock, you can normally arrange to rent it for a few days. If you decide to buy, then the rental fee you’ve paid gets deducted from the purchase price. It’s one of the big reasons to support local shops.

    在购买前尝试一下:大多数本地相机店都有一些受欢迎的设备可供出租。 如果您正在考虑购买东西,并且已经在他们的租赁存货中,则通常可以安排几天的租借时间。 如果您决定购买,那么您已支付的租金将从购买价格中扣除。 这是支持当地商店的重要原因之一。

  • To see if something is for you: It’s really difficult . If you think it’s a genre of photography you might enjoy, rather than dropping loads of cash on a lens you might not use, you can rent a telephoto for a sports game or two and see how you like it. I’m considering switching to mirrorless cameras, so I plan to rent a full Sony A7III setup for a week and see how it goes.

    看看是否有适合您的东西:如果 真的很困难。 如果您认为这是您可能喜欢的摄影类型,而不是将大量的现金投入您可能不喜欢的镜头上,则可以租用一两个体育比赛的长焦,然后看看自己的喜好。 我正在考虑改用无反光镜相机,因此我打算租用完整的Sony A7III装置一周,然后看看效果如何。

  • When you’re only going to use it a few times: I occasionally have to use studio lights to take portraits but I don’t do it anywhere near enough to spend the money on a real set up. Instead of spending $2,000, I just spend $150 once or twice a year. It also means I’m always shooting with high quality, new gear.

    当您只打算使用它几次时:我有时不得不使用摄影棚的灯光来拍摄人像,但我做得还不够,无法花钱进行真正的布置。 我每年只花一两次两次,而不是花$ 2,000。 这也意味着我一直在用高质量的新装备拍摄。

  • Just for fun: Let’s be honest, playing with amazing camera gear is fun. If you’ve got a few hundred dollars and you’ve always wanted to try out some ludicrously expensive bit of kit, just rent it. You’ll be able to fulfill your medium format or movie making fantasies without taking out a mortgage.

    只是为了好玩:说实话,使用出色的摄影机装备很有趣。 如果您有几百美元,而您一直想尝试一些昂贵的工具包,那就租一下。 您无需抵押即可实现中等格式或电影制作的幻想。

在哪里租借装备 (Where to Rent Gear)

The simplest place to rent gear is from local camera shops. They normally have a supply of popular, versatile gear like 24-70mm and 70-200mm lenses, studio lights, and full frame DSLR bodies. You can also check out the condition of it and the staff will teach you how to use it. The only downside is that if you’re looking for something obscure, they might not have it.

租借设备最简单的地方是当地的相机商店。 他们通常会提供受欢迎的通用装备,例如24-70mm和70-200mm镜头,摄影棚灯和全画幅数码单反相机机身。 您也可以检查出它的状况,工作人员会教您如何使用它。 唯一的缺点是,如果您正在寻找晦涩难懂的东西,他们可能没有。

If you want a wider selection, your best bet is . They’re the biggest online photo rental store and their gear selection is essentially limitless. They almost certainly have whatever bit of obscure photography or videography gear you want. The prices are good and they ship to all 50 States. You can even buy any rental gear you don’t want to send back.

如果您想选择更多,最好的选择是 。 他们是最大的在线照片租赁商店,其装备选择基本上是无限的。 他们几乎可以肯定拥有所需的任何晦涩的摄影或摄像设备。 价格是好的,它们运往所有50个州。 您甚至可以购买任何不想退回的租赁设备。

Your final option is to look at a peer-to-peer rental service. It’s one of the few “Airbnb for X” ideas that actually makes sense. People who have camera gear they’re not currently using can list it for other people to rent. It lets them offset some of the cost of their equipment and lets you rent it for less. The two biggest services are and . There might not be someone nearby with what you need, but if there is, it’s probably the cheapest option.

您最后的选择是查看对等租赁服务。 这是实际上有意义的为数不多的“ Airbnb for X”创意之一。 那些不使用相机装备的人可以将其列出来供其他人租用。 它使他们能够抵消一些设备成本,并让您以更低的价格租用设备。 最大的两个服务是和 。 附近可能没有人可以满足您的需求,但如果有,这可能是最便宜的选择。

租用照片和视频设备的提示 (Tips for Renting Photo and Video Gear)

Insure, insure, insure. Seriously, you do not want to be on the hook for tens of thousands of dollars worth of gear because your careless friend tripped on the tripod. Cameras and lenses are just too fragile and too expensive for you not to take out some kind of protection. If you’re a professional photographer, your insurance policy may cover it. If not, your options depend on where you’re renting from. Ask your local shop what they offer. Lensrentals sells their own insurance (). KitSplit and ShareGrid can provide insurance for a fee, as well.

保险,保险,保险。 严重的是,您不想被价值数万美元的装备钩住,因为您粗心的朋友在三角架上绊倒了。 相机和镜头太脆弱了,太贵了,以至于您不采取某种保护措施。 如果您是专业摄影师,则可以购买保险。 如果没有,您的选择取决于您从哪里租房。 询问您当地的商店他们提供什么。 Lensrentals出售自己的保险( 的保险)。 KitSplit和ShareGrid也可以提供付费保险。

Inspect the gear before you rent it or as soon as it arrives. Rental gear is by its very definition used, so there’s a good chance there are some scuffs and scratches. It won’t affect the quality of your work but you don’t want to be blamed for a scratch that was there before you got it. I find the best thing to do is to take a quick video of the gear and talk through any issues I see; that way I can use the video if there’s ever any issue.

在您租借齿轮或齿轮到达时检查齿轮。 租赁设备的定义非常严格,因此很有可能会出现擦伤和划痕。 它不会影响您的工作质量,但是您不希望因没有获得任何划痕而受到指责。 我发现最好的方法是快速浏览一下设备,并讨论遇到的所有问题; 这样,如果有任何问题,我就可以使用视频。

Make sure you rent the accessories too. Most of the time you can rent a kit with all the cables, chargers, modifiers, and the like, but if you’re going á la carte, be careful to get everything you need. There’s no point renting studio flashes if you don’t get a wireless flash trigger too.

确保您也租用了配件。 大多数时候,您可以租用包含所有电缆,充电器,改装工具之类的工具包,但是如果您要点菜,请小心获取所需的一切。 如果您也没有无线闪光灯触发器,那么租用工作室闪光灯就毫无意义。

Renting gear for an occasional shoot is a great way to break into different areas of photography. Unless you’re shooting sports week in and week out, there’s no point owning a telephoto lens. If you just need the stuff every few months, renting is the way to go.

租用偶尔拍摄的装备是闯入不同摄影领域的好方法。 除非您一周又一周进行运动拍摄,否则拥有远摄镜头毫无意义。 如果您每隔几个月只需要这些东西,那么租房就是路要走。


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